Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sunday Inspiration: New Year, New Look, and Rambling Thoughts

No- I know it's not the new year but it is a new school year and I was playing with another blog (a teaching blog that is "private" for now as I figure out if I want to do anything with it) and ended up playing with templates.  After doing that I decided to play here.  It was free but I am just trying to figure out if it is "too much".

I just realized we are halfway through August and have not done my August "new thing".  Any suggestions?  I have no clue!

School has started- it's been crazy busy.  We are on an extended day so the students are there until 3:30 and that means teacher contract time is 4:00.  I haven't been home before 6:30 any evening this week between chiropractor appointments and running errands and staying after school.  I am still feeling a little overwhelmed so show me grace in my lack of posting please. :)

Part of the feeling overwhelmed has been brought about by falling into the comparison trap.  I follow several teaching blogs on BlogLovin', FB and Pinterest.  I see all of the pretty pictures on Pinterest of classrooms.  I see my co-workers' classrooms.  Life has been crazy enough that my classroom is not where I want it but I had to let go of a few things.  Well, looking at these pictures has led me to feeling inadequate as a teacher.  I know (and someone pointed out on FB) that it's not about what the classroom looks like- it's about what goes on inside the classroom but that doesn't change the fact that I feel like my room is blah.  I need to do some cheap (thrifty- or free) fixes that won't take a lot of time.  I need NEED/WANT to have a life outside of school this year and with already leaving later it has been rough already…  Any thoughts?  Any ideas?

The chiropractor- has been my back's saving grace these last few weeks- I had to move a lot of boxes and furniture and in the process I have been dealing with a serious stiff back and possibly one that's out of alignment (based on how it has felt and the noise it has made during adjustments- serious snap, crackle and pop going on).  Unfortunately the stiffness and lack of flexibility/pain I have had has seriously limited any exercise.  I had great intentions on Tuesday for getting a run in but right as I would have changed and left- the rains came down!  Hopefully I can shoot for this Tuesday instead.

So- my question for you- how do you avoid falling into the comparison trap?


Bill (cycleguy) said...

Like the new look. You may want to change your bio. 38? Pre K? LOL. Always forgiving of your father. Churck Swindoll once wrote a devotion which included this quote; "Comparisons are odious." I've never forgotten that. U r U. Be all that. love you much

Brooke said...

this past week in Bible study, we were looking at the 10th commandment "do not covet" - which is difficult i think for all of us. the comparison trap makes this sin run rampant.

Wise Hearted said...

Live the quote you quoted, He is enough and don't compare. Praise those results others have and maybe ask for some advice from those you admire. Who knows they may be willing to help you. I have a feeling your classroom is just as inviting as others and they may be envious of you. U r U.