Oh because I forgot to mention that I was told last week- after a week of ridiculous coughing and no exercise that I have bronchitis with some wheezing so now I am using an inhaler when I have trouble breathing and I am bringing exercise back in slowly but really working hard to try to get it back. I have set mini goals- I know that this should not be about a number, but in reality it is- I know how much I have to lose to be back in the healthy range so am setting myself some goals (and rewards) in 5 lb. increments.
Let's see, what else- change- yep, things will be changing- maybe not now but I am now ready (and this is a personal change not a fitness related change). It's one of those things that it's all coming to a head and for my sanity something has to change. And, of course that change brings about a little bit of fear. I keep holding on to the truths that I know and the promises from God- He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is there with me- even to the very end of the age...

My last thing- this one is going to be kind of silly but there was a November challenge for blogging. I obviously didn't do the first 10 days so I am going to attempt to condense them into a short blurb here:
Nov. 1- Best lesson I am learning- I am doing council time at Awana at church on Wednesday- my focus is thankfulness and gratitude for all that we have. This is a lesson I have been learning in real time and just has really hit home for me.
Nov. 2- Favorite inspiring quote (wow- just one- LOL). I come back to this one over and over (and I think I might have to do favorite quotes in December or something- I had a hard time picking just one!)
November 3- My 5 Favorite blogs- I broke these down into two groups so really I have 10:
Cycleguy's Spin- Bill Grandi (my dad- so this one was easy and tops on my list)
A Holy Experience-Ann Voskamp (speaks to my heart)
Holley Gerth- H.G. (another that often speaks where I am)
Proverbs 31- the daily devotionals are often very timely (I should also add I am a fan of Lysa TerKeurst's blog as well)
(in)courage - love this blog by various authors and a dream would be to someday write a post for them.
Health and Fitness:
Let's Talk and Walk- Glenneth (love the local touches)
Coffee, Scarves, and Running Shoes- again a local blogger and I love the local touches
Flaming June on the run- she is always encouraging
in Healthy Habits we trust- Alicia is also very encouraging and very real
Fitness, Health and Happiness- by Jill- always very informative
**due to wordiness I am going to work on a post for 4-6 for Monday afternoon, a post for 7-10 for Tuesday morning and a post for 11-13 for Wednesday (then I should be caught up... LOL)
Reckon we will have to talk for me to find out what is going on. :) Thanks for including me as your #1 blog. Course I know where you live and Christmas is coming up.... Love you much.
Sorry to hear about your bronchitis :(
Feel better soon.
Dad- there's a lot and I tend to cry when talking about it LOL
Suz- thanks! Hopefully I can get rid of it soon
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