Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Difference a Year Makes...

This past week I have been doing a lot of reflecting.  A year ago I was in the midst of a miserable summer.  I hurt my back in early June and serious spasms.  You know that commercial with the older lady- the "help I've fallen and I can't get up" commercial?  THAT is exactly what happened.  I walked outside after some mini spasms throughout the day and my back/legs just gave out and I literally fell to the ground on my hands and knees.  I couldn't stand up- it was the worst experience.  I was finally able to get my phone out of my purse and called my friend Cindy to come help (she was nearby).  I went all summer with pain- I couldn't do normal activities.  I made it through church but couldn't stay for ABF because of the sitting; a 6 hour trip took me 8 hours; I relied a LOT on others.  I finally took it upon myself (after not having a good chiro experience) to go to an orthopedic doctor.  After physical therapy and no change he ordered an MRI.  Final diagnosis came in October- I had degenerative disks (I found that out in August), arthritis in my lower back (also found in August), bursitis in my hips (august) and finally in October I found out the source of all the pain was an enlarged (aka bulging) disc in my lower back.  The doctor wanted me to do a few things and keep away from a few things.  I stayed away from running for a few months and zumba for 6 before I decided to give it another shot.

This summer- I have had an amazing summer!  I have been able to hike, go on multiple extended car trips, exercise for more than 15-20 minutes at a time and zumba again.  And, as I mentioned earlier this month I discovered spin.  Cycling is one of the things that the doctor wanted me to try but I sort of put it off.  I finally decided to give spin a shot and found out that I LOVE it!

So, what have I learned?
1. Listen to your body.  Last summer I couldn't do anything- this summer I can.  However, I know when my body has hit the wall.  I have learned what works for me and what doesn't and how much effort I can give.  I have learned that when I have a bit of a spasm to back off and let it calm down instead of pushing through it.  I have learned that when it hurts- that's when you have pushed the body too far.

2. Encouragement is KEY!  Without the encouragement of others I know that I would have given up or eased up on my training.  But with others pushing me and supporting me I know that I have a support system in place that will keep me going when I want to quit.

1 comment:

Dani said...

I am so happy that you are having a better summer this year!!!! It sounds like you have made awesome progress! You go girl!
