Friday, January 4, 2008


Well, today is the last day that I have off for vacation. I know technically I have Saturday and Sunday too but I don't count them because I always have them! I have thoroughly enjoyed my break. I think it's helped me get back on track with this journey because I have the time and energy to devote to it right now. It's given me a good start.

Breakfast- 4 bacon slices (which was equal to one serving)
Lunch- 2 grilled chicken filets from Chick-Fil-A ( I was eating in the car so I couldn't do a salad) without bun
snack- about 10 almonds, s-f jello with whipped topping
dinner- deli turkey heated up with cheese on top (sb approved)
Beverages: water- as of 12- 40 ounces; as of 6 80 oz.

Okay- two things that I need to increase are my veggies- I'm not a fan of raw veggies although I do have cucumbers in the house and I like them raw and my fiber. I have metamucil so I am probably going to have add that in in the afternoons. When I go back to school it will be when my kids leave for the day. Now, tomorrow I am going to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and I am planning on grilled chicken, house salad no croutons, and fresh veggies with water to drink! have a fabulous evening and superb saturday.

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