Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A quick Post- good news

I gave blood about a month ago and got the results yesterday. My non-fasting cholesterol level was 189 which was tremendously better than in May when I gave blood last. I told someone it makes all the grilled chicken and fruit and salads when I really want chicken nuggets and fries- taste a whole lot better! Even though I didn't lose anything this week (that's two weeks at the same number- I'm okay with knowing that number went down. It just gives me the incentive/motivation to kick it up a notch!

Breakfast- 1/2 pb sandwich, sb cereal bar
lunch- deli chicken with spinach, and cheese on a low carb wheat wrap, s-f pudding, apple
pm snack- 100 calorie sb snack bar, sb wheat crackers
dinner- grilled chicken fillet, fruit cup and dt. coke from Chick-Fil-A
snack0 1/2 pb sandwich

water- about 50 ounces, plus, diet mtn. dew

Thanks for reading and keep working hard. I walked about 4.4 miles.

Also- I have addresses for 3 of you (Gail, Maria, and Lynette) to send cards (I have two of them ready) so I would love to an address for any of my readers to send a note of encouragment. Just email me at and let me know your full name and full address.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tami,
I'd like to get your addy as well. I will email you mine.
Congratulations on the cholesterol level! Great job!