Sunday, November 19, 2017


Yes, I am here and yes, I am really writing this post.  It's been 3 1/2 months since my last post - that was not my plan but life certainly took over in many ways.  Since my last post I have started the school year and made it all the way to Thanksgiving break (yay for a week off) and I started and completed my Revelation Wellness Instructor Training.  We did 9 weeks of online training and study and then met up in Arizona for a week at a Young Life camp in Williams, AZ to do the intensive practical portion of  the training.  That week deserves several posts of its own so I will be working on that over this time off of school.  I have also had to deal with hitting a deer on the way to work one morning and then some medical tests done. 

Needless to say, the last 3 1/2 months have been a bit crazy and chaotic.  Some weeks I do well on taking care of myself and other weeks- not so much.  I'm looking to make some changes and I have decided to NOT say- well, I'll start the Monday after Thanksgiving.  No, I'll start now.  I'll make changes a little at a time and give myself grace for the times I don't do as well.  One misstep can go two ways- it can lead to more and more missteps or it can lead to change.

So- as I work on my posts this week I leave you with these graphics (all found on pinterest) and this song (which I actually learned a drumstick routine to while at the retreat!)


Bill (cycleguy) said...

No song posted. I hope this week gives you some time to refuel and refocus. I'll try not to bother you too much. :)

Tami Grandi said...

it should be there now