So, what are SMART goals? Well, rather than typing it out- just check out the image below. I am going to have 14 smart goals for the year- I know that seems like a lot but I am going to have it broken down into fitness, personal, and professional goals.
So- in no particular order:
1. Participate in at least one challenge every month. My goal would be to participate daily but I am willing to just participate in one consistently. This month- the Squat and push up 31 day boot camp.
2. Participate in 14 races in 2014. I did this in 2013 and want to do it again in 2014. I ran my first one this morning- it wasn't pretty but as I told someone it was my 2014 beginning and hopefully I have nowhere to go but up. I have three more races already scheduled between now and the end of March but am looking at adding 2 more at least in that time frame.
3. Establish my 6 month program for clients, finish my health coaching website, order business cards, brochures, and other things. Bottom line is that I need to put it on paper and get the materials needed to get going. The end goal for this is the end of March. Graduate from Institute of Integrative Nutrition and begin seeing clients. I should graduate at the end of April. I would love to start having paying clients lined up before the end of May.
4. Spend more time with God- this should really be my number 1 goal and it is (but these are in no particular order). I know that my walk with Him directly correlates to the rest of my life and the rest of these goals being fulfilled. I will spend time in the mornings in my Bible, in prayer, and just seeking His will for my life. This includes weekends (which is where I struggle) Every day I post a scripture on FB- I think I will also be writing it down and placing them in the jar with the date and a short explanation of why- at the end of the year I can go back and look at them and see the promises fulfilled.
5. Blog regularly- for me- at this point in my life that means 2-3 times a week. Some weeks may be more but hopefully a minimum of 2.
6. Lose weight- I know this is a "generic" goal and I am more than a number- BUT the bottom line is that I am not at a healthy weight right now. By the end of 2014 I would like to have lost 30-35 lbs. With that I will be within 10-15 lbs of MY goal. By June I would like to lose 20 lbs (that's when I go back to the doctor for my physical).
7. Save money and work on eliminating debt- to achieve an unnamed goal that means I need to make a plan and stick with it- so that will mean setting up a monthly budget (and understanding that it could change month to month). It looks like I will have a second "job" (but it's not really a job) starting that will help bring in a little extra money per month- for now I will focus on putting that aside and getting the budget established.
8. I am "borrowing" this from my friend Glenneth- try one new thing a month. All kinds of things- rock climbing, ziplining, paddleboarding, etc. It may even be one new fitness class a month. This month I am going to check and see if the local Y has a beginners yoga class- I have sore muscles and think that might be a good place to start.
9. Implement at least one healthy habit change a month- my change for this month- no fast food. I am not saying no restaurants- but no fast food. It is WAY too easy to swing through the drive thru for food then to come home and cook it so that means I need to be prepared- fully prepared! AND: Drink more water! Right now I don't drink enough- my goal, at the end of every day is to drink between 80-100 oz. I need to crowd out the diet sodas and reintroduce water. One way I am getting water in is to drink a glass of lemon water every morning. It's a good way to introduce a cleanse and here are some benefits (and might I just say that of the two mornings I started out with this it definitely worked- LOL)
10. Read! I love to read- it relaxes me. I would like to read at least one "fun" book a month (for example: a mystery, Christian fiction, etc) and one "health/nutrition" book a month. These can be "hold in your hand books" or books that I have downloaded to my Kindle on my iPad
11. Simplify. I have a small house- it is just how my life has worked and for the most part it works BUT I have an abundance of "stuff". It's time to declutter- I have not stamped in about 6 months therefore, my first order of business is to pare down on that. I still want to keep some things but there are some I just need to let go of. I will be putting them up for sale (and if anyone wants any let me know and I'll send you the link when I do so). I will also need to just get rid of things I am not using. My goal is to have this simplified and cut down on by the end of May
12. Stay on top of my "school" work (aka my teaching stuff). Spend time each week putting in anecdotal notes and such so I am not stressed at the end of the semester. Work on lesson plans through the week and not letting them take over my weekend. Yes, I am planning on my life looking a LOT different this semester.
13. Exercise more consistently- You'll notice that I didn't include a specific number of days for exercise, etc. Well, the reason for that is simple- I don't want to be tied down to it. I am supposed to be training for the half marathon so that will be a bulk of it- BUT I also plan on incorporating strength into my life as well. Life twists and turns on a dime so some weeks may only get a minimum while other weeks may be filled with an excess of training time- I need to take it as it comes and watch my diet.
14. LIVE- this goes back to my "One Word" post. My goal is to truly live- to do so that might mean saying yes to outings, spending time with friends, and getting out of my comfort zone. It also might mean saying no when needed.
There's another goal that I can't share YET- the time will come but at this point in time I need to keep it close to the vest.
So there you go- 14 goals for 2014- I hope to revisit these every month and update on how they are going.
Really Paddleboarding, Rock climbing?? I know who can help you with that! :)
Yoga...really did I just read that in your words! WOW, I am not believing it. Give it a chance you will learn to LOVE it.
I like it that you have set goals for yourself. It is also good that you plan to revisit them each month. I look forward to seeing and hearing a new "you" in the coming months. Love you. Take care of that ankle.
have you read Kristin Billerbeck? She's a great Chick-lit Christian fiction author. love her!!
sounds like you've got a great set of goals.
I love these goals! They would be excellent for me as well!
Here are my 2014 goals:
1) Make more time to hear from God. That could be anything from reading Bible, books, praying, listening to sermons etc.
2) Connect with a irl person every day. I am a loner by nature. I don't like to talk on the phone. I really don't like to get involved in other's lives. I keep in touch with my grown children through my husband, and tend to use facebook as my only point of contact with other friends and family. This year, I am trying to be more outgoing and reach out more. So far, God has really been helping me with this. A few days ago, one of my sons installed the Glide app which is enabling me to send videos back and forth with my adult children! And, a couple of days ago, an opportunity to extend myself and help a friend just fell in my lap! These may seem minor to others, but for me are huge!
3) Lose the 12 lbs I gained in 2013!
Thanks for encouraging me to write these goals down!!
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