Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The BIG Dream

That God-Sized dream- hit a bump in the road with it about a month ago.  I was bummed but was going to reevaluate and take a visit to the bank (because as is often the case- $$ was the factor).  Well, through a series of events "someone" (and I honestly have no clue who) has provided me with the funds to fulfill that dream.  So, this past Thursday I signed up to be a health coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.  This will start in May.  When I found out that someone was providing me this opportunity I was speechless (one of the few times in my life) and then immediately the doubt/fear of failure started creeping in.  However, as several people (including my dad) have lovingly reminded me- God has provided this for me to have this opportunity- He is not doing this to lead me to failure.  So, while I don't understand it I accept the gift and relish the opportunity and challenge to pursue my dream.  And, since I am not to know who it is and since I can't repay them directly my plan is to pay it forward in whatever way I can, whenever I can. 


I have been asked several times WHY I want to be a health coach- I think part of it goes to my job- the child obesity rate is outrageous and I can possibly pursue the working with children and their families (both in and out of school settings).  The other part goes to my kidney stone issues- my dietary restrictions are a little overwhelming and as someone who was barely treading water while trying to figure it all out- who better to help guide others in the same boat- than one who has been there?  So, for those who are struggling with those God-sized dreams- they may not happen right away or with the same "speed" as mine but keep plugging away and praying and you just never know...

Oh, and just for fun!  Monday was opening day for baseball- those who know me know that I am an Atlanta Braves fan (and have been for a LONG time) so- just for my dad- I HAVE to share this- he will know why- LOVE you! (and I can hear Skip Carey's voice...)


Bill (cycleguy) said...

i was going to be the nice father who kept encouraging you to pursue your dream, and how kids will benefit from you being willing to follow your God-sized dream, and how good God is in providing the money, BUT NOT NOW. NOT AFTER THAT LAST PICTURE. Replays show he was out. You have just ruined it. But since i am such a nice, great, all-around father I will tell you I love you in spite of.

Tami Grandi said...

LOL :) love you too!

Coach Jen said...

How exciting and that is fantastic that you are pursuing this goal :)

jillconyers said...

What an awesome opportunity! Our dreams are here to stay! It s up to us to make those dreams a reality :)

Unknown said...

AHhhh!! Congrats, love :) I'm so psyched for you! Can't wait to see how this turns out :)

Tami Grandi said...

Jen- thank you- I am super excited!

Tami Grandi said...

Jill- it has been an amazing one- and yes, now it's time to make it a reality!

Tami Grandi said...

Caitlin- I am so thrilled- I sit there and just can't believe it!

Amy said...

Praise God for His provision towards the dream He planted in your heart. It seems just at the very moment we are ready to give up and quit He give us exactly what we need to take a deep breath and move on to the next step closer toward that very dream.