Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Perspective, Priorities, and People

This post is going to be a lot introspective, a lot of pondering, and a little bit of sap... (ha).  Seriously though, the last week and a half have been non-stop.  Last week I worked 3 straight 9-10 hour days AT work, then worked when I got home and 1 day of a 12 hour day AT work.  Just a long week!  But, it's over and we have moved on to this week which is a lot calmer and one where I can rest and run- or so I thought...(more on that later)

Perspective and Priorities- Let's see- I think most people have heard about last Friday's tragedy in Newtown, CT.  As a teacher and an aunt of a kindergartener, this one hit VERY close to home.  Just really showed me that what I do really does make a difference- and it also reaffirmed that no matter WHAT I do or WHERE I am- God can and will use me IF I surrender myself to Him.  On Sunday morning I also found out that a guy I graduated high school with (almost 20 years ago) had a heart attack and was on life support (he has since come out of that and had a defibrillator put in today).  Basically, with these two events, plus another thing going on that I can't discuss have changed my perspective and my priorities.  I am making it a point to spend time with friends and family.  I am making it a point to enjoy this Christmas season because we are never guaranteed tomorrow.  Through this I have also come to realize it's time to be a bit more public with some plans/thoughts/etc.  I have been thinking this over and praying about it for a LONG time and it scares me but like the above says- that means I need to pursue it. 

Bottom line-with the health changes I have made and the exercise habits I have tried to ingrain in my life have given me a new passion- a passion for sharing that healthy life/knowledge with others.  I am at the beginning stages of this journey but I am looking into different avenues to discover what it would take to pursue that passion and make it a reality.  So, I would covet your prayers as I figure out what step is next. 

I also know that means I need to focus on my goals for this journey to my healthy life.  I have let myself get lax in my habits and I am feeling the effects- So, my last two weeks of 2012 I will be looking at and naming (out loud) my goals for 2013.  I have some ideas which way I am going to go but I want to flush it out in my mind first.  I had big plans to get some running in this week (I actually had nothing going on during the afternoons) and on Sunday night I slammed my pinkie toe into my bed frame.  I have destroyed my nail (it's coming off) and it is extremely sore.  I'm not sure what my next step will be but I know that right now it hurts when I wear shoes (and those are somewhat necessary for my job) so I will have decide how to proceed (I desperately want to run the New Year's Day run I am signed up for).  Any thoughts would be helpful. 

People- this one is simple- as I mentioned my Christmas season plan- just make people a priority- if it comes down to gym time or people I will choose people any day.  Love on those close to you, hug those nearby, and give of yourself daily. 

Thanks for reading through this LONG LONG post (and my next post will actually have an update from the 5K on the 8th)


Bill (cycleguy) said...

Be careful running with the bad toe. Like any athlete who wants to keep playing, compensation is made for the injury and the body rebels to that. (I ought to know since my back problems stem from a college ankle injury). Watch your diet and walk if it is too painful to run. But you have also touched on the most basic of all: love your family. Reckon that means I will have to give up some bike riding while certain members of my family are here over the next week or so.

jillconyers said...

Obviously a well thought out post. I've been a bit lax too lately mostly due t stress and life being out of control busy! I"m still working on my goals for 2013. Hoping to share soon :)