Saturday, June 9, 2012

Long Journey but...

I am picking this back up again.  I have known for a while that something needed to change but have put it off (like always) but then I saw a picture from a hike I took last Saturday.  It forced reality on me.  This was the day before my 37th birthday, June 2, 2012.  And it WILL be the last day I look like this.  I am posting the picture because I need to go on record as changing my ways.  It's time to do what needs to be done. 

 So, as you can see- these pictures have shown me just how bad I let it get.  You know how you look in the mirror and you think oh, that's not so bad but then I see a picture of myself and know.  So, I am embarking on a new journey.  One that I know will bring me tears of pain and joy, and yet one that I know that I need to travel upon.  I don't know where it will take me or what exactly I will do.  I do know one place it's taking me- in October- to Nashville I'm participating in The Color Run

I am really excited about it and think it's a good first step.  Who knows where this will take me?

Time to go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are ready to make big changes! Have fun at the run!