Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Break Free of Your Food Addiction- article

I regularly get the Quick and Simple magazine and a recent one had a great article. I promised it yesterday and things got a little crazy and I completely forgot. So, here goes:. The question the article asks is: "Can you be addicted to food, a stubstance your body needs to survive?" Dr. Gold (a Univ. of FL addiction expert) says that yes, that as food addicts imagine their favorite foods it triggers "anticipatory brain changes that are virtually identical" to the changes in the brain of an alcoholic or drug addict. The article also states that a person addicted to food experiences many of the same withdrawal symptoms- irritability, moodiness, and anger- as a recovering drug addict.

There were 8 ways to tame temptation:
- Become a journalist- write down what you eat, how much you eat, and how you were feeling when you were eating it.

- Identify and dodge your triggers- keep a list of activities to do do when you have identified what triggers the eating. This is where card making/scrapbooking can come in handy- get your hands busy! If it's a person that triggers unhealthy eating- you might need to steer clear of that person for a while until you have the strength to stand up to her

- Slow down! Food junkies eat fast. Because we tend to eat so fast it takes longer for us to register that we are full. Dr. Gold says that for a thin person it takes 12 minutes to register that food has been eaten and someone who is obese it could take 20 minutes. A suggestion is to set a timer and eat with baby spoons/small spoon or forks to stretch out the eating time.

-Surround yourself with support- which is what we are doing- keeping accountable!

-Switch addictions- Dr. Gold suggests getting addicted to exercise. Do what needs to be done to make exercise a regular part of your life

-Downsize the dinnerware. Use smaller plates and bowls to keep portions more controllable

-Weigh every day. This is something that I personally do but I focus on every other day. It really keeps me aware and doesn't allow it to sneak up on me. I am able to know that I have overindulged and therefore need to adjust- and even though I KNOW it from my journal- the scale doesn't lie!

-Don't give up. Different people respond in different ways to different strategies- find what works for you!

It also included a quick tip- "announce an executive decision the next time you are tempted by food you don't need. Tell that doughnut- out loud- my body doesn't need or want you!"

Quick and Simple magazine- July 31, 2007-


grandmascraps said...

Thanks fo rsharing the article it has been thught provoking.I want to incorporate some of the suggestions. Hope you week is going well. :)

Maria said...

Awesome article. I've doing a lot of what the article says to do. Now, all I need to do is to tell a restaurant menu to stop tempting me. My greatest weakness is restaurant food. I tend to eat the most fatiest meals they serve.

Hope all is going well!
