Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Dear Beautiful One,

Yes you, don't look around- I am talking to you.  I am telling you what I need to hear myself.  You- you are beautiful, you are loved, you are created in His image.  During this time of year we are bombarded with images of what we (as society) think beauty is.  We are covered by infomercials, commercials, and advertisements of products that will help us be fit, healthy, and therefore beautiful.  But since when did fit and healthy mean beautiful?  It's only because we have let it!  Beauty, true beauty, YOUR true beauty comes from within.  It comes from strength in times of adversity.  It comes from seeking God's direction when the path seems to be taking you in circles.  It comes from your character when nobody else is looking.  It comes from the light of Christ shining through your actions.  It comes from the words you speak to build another up.  So yes, you are beautiful my sweet friend and please don't forget that!

Back in November 2012 I wrote this post and then this week right before I saw Holley's next prompt I saw several pictures/blog posts about this same subject.  This is something I have been struggling with these past few weeks so it was quite timely and therapeutic to write.  It was a good reminder to myself that beauty defined by the world is not how God defines beauty and I need to decide which one I am striving for.  

**I am linking up with Holley's series on Coffee for Your Heart


Bill (cycleguy) said...

Let me I know a father who has tried to tell his oldest daughter this for years? Hmmm.

Unknown said...

Thank you for such a beautiful message this morning, love <3

Tami Grandi said...

Yes dad you have :) And it is sinking in- even though I still struggle with it at times

Tami Grandi said...

Thanks Caitlin- this was one of those heartfelt posts that HAD to be written!

Unknown said...

Loved this! It's so easy as we go through our busy lives to forget about our intrinsic worth. Words like yours make me pause and remember. Thank you!