Monday, April 15, 2013

Goals and odds and ends

This is just going to be a random post because there are a few things I need to touch on before this busy week starts.  I know I have blogged pretty regularly these past few days (which is just crazy) but these next few weeks it will be cut down to blogging when I can.  We are coming up on the end of the school year- as of today (Sunday) there are 27.5 school days left with children.  In that time there will be after school meetings, testing, Girls on the Run, more meetings, parent nights, prep for end of the school year program, and more meetings, not to mention a whole mess of other stuff.  All that to say- it will probably be sporadic until summer.  I do have at least 3 5K's coming up before the end of the school year and so will be working on those as well- I WANT to cut my time. 

Now- goals- I have been participating (as I can these first two weeks) in the Best Body Bootcamp online.  Here have been my first 2 weeks goals:
1) Exercise- exercise including the bootcamp workouts 5 out of 7 days.  First week I did this, this second week I hit 4 out of 7 so far- I am not sure if it's ending on Sunday this week or Monday- we started week 2 a day later than normal.  I have been having lower back issues the last couple of days so I am just doing light stretching as I can- I have learned that I can't push that one or it will get out of control.
2.) Water- to drink 80 oz/day at least 5 out of 7 days. (check)
3.) No Fried Foods for 5 out of 7 days (check)

My goals for weeks 3 and 4
1) To be in bed with the lights out by 10:30 during the school week- it's becoming easier and easier to stay up later since I am getting home later (and my Braves are on now in the evening) but for the sake of my health it MUST happen.
2) To have only water- cutting out sodas for 5 out of 7 days.  I know that I NEED to do this- and deep down I WANT to do it- I'm just plain struggling with it.  I drink my water even when I do have a soda and have done well and most days (except for Sundays) I only have one soda (in the past it would be 2 or 3).
3) My exercise goal is to be consistent with my workouts: Monday- running (and possible boot camp exercises when I get home). Tuesday- if I get to b.c. on Monday it will be cardio at a park maybe- I have a training so it depends) if not I will do boot camp.  Wednesday- Girls on the run (run about 2 miles) and maybe boot camp. Thursday- possible boot camp- I may try a spin class. Friday is a rest day. Saturday is a run day and Sunday I hope to get up before church and do boot camp. 

Source: via Tami on Pinterest

As you can see, I have lofty goals for this week and I KNOW I need accountability- so feel free to ask me in the comments, on FB or an email if I got "my sweat on" :)


Bill (cycleguy) said...

I'm glad you are getting your "sweat on" but please be careful and don't overdo it with the back issues. You don't want to go back to that this summer. I have to be careful with mine also, so pleeeeeaaaaase be wise. Love you much. See you, Lord willing, in about 1 1/2 months. Possibly with boy in tow. :)

Tami Grandi said...

Honestly I think I am sleeping too much on the weekends- as odd as that sounds. During the week- no issues- on the weekends when I sleep in a bit I wake up stiff and sore and hardly able to move. I need to research that :)

Love you too! Can't wait and what a GREAT birthday that will be :)

Unknown said...

Good luck with everything over the next few weeks, love! Get plenty of rest and take care of yourself :)

Tami Grandi said...

Thanks Caitlin- I appreciate it!